Akademy-es 2024 sponsorship

Why you should sponsor Akademy-es 2024?

We expect around 80 attendees at the in-person edition of the event, including free software developers, press members, and company representatives. By sponsoring this event, your organization will receive visibility within the Spanish-speaking free software community, not only in Spain but worldwide.

The event will feature top-tier presentations on topics related to new technologies, including desktop applications, mobile apps, portable gaming consoles, multimedia, and software development. The KDE community has introduced innovations in all these areas throughout its history. As a sponsor, your organization will have the opportunity to engage in this creative setting and become known to the attendees.

Moreover, technical discussions are not the sole focus of Akademy-es. The event is also an opportunity to meet people and forge networks of contacts. Social events are also very important, as they foster the creation of the cordial atmosphere within the KDE community that allows new ideas to emerge; so if desired, you can also sponsor a social event.

For more information, please send an email to akademy-es-org@kde-espana.org.

Sponsorship opportunities

In case you are interested and to facilitate collaboration with the organization of the Akademy-es 2024 event, KDE España proposes three sponsorship levels with the benefits specified in the following table*:

Lightning talk (5 minutes)
Lightning talk (10 minutes)
Possibility to distribute merchadising to attendees
Your name and logo will appear on the sponsors page
Your logo will appear on the footer of all Akademy-es 2024 pages
Your logo will be displayed on screen during breaks
You will be mentioned in a KDE España podcast
You will be mentioned on the press release
Banner in the Akademy-es room

* Amount indicatesd in the table do not include the corresponding VAT